Program Updates

Are your fellows regularly updating their procedure logs?  All fellows should have their username and password and have already accessed their log for entering surgeries, procedures or cases. Fellowship Directors can login to the online system and view documentation entered by fellows. We encourage you to view these logs throughout the year to check your fellow’s progress and to be sure your program is complying with your subspecialty program requirements.

Have you shared the program requirements with your current fellows? Compliant programs should share the established program requirements with each fellow at the start of the training program. The most current copies are located on your specific subspecialty page on our website.

Faculty Roster Updates? Programs can update their faculty roster any time throughout the year. By doing this, it will make it easier for you to complete your program’s review when it’s time. It will also help the Subspecialty Managers and Review Committee with reviewing requests.

Fellowship Director Changes? Notifications of a change in Fellowship Director can be made anytime throughout the year.  Requests must be submitted online. A letter of support from the Department Chair will need to be uploaded and biographical information for the incoming Fellowship Director will need to be entered. Additional materials may be requested at the discretion of the reviewers; please check your program requirements for more information.

To access your program’s record to accomplish a variety of tasks, please visit our website and login under “Program Login” at the top of the homepage. If you do not remember your password, choose “Forgot your password?” If you have any questions or need assistance, please email the AUPO FCC staff at

Tasks that can be accomplished:

  • Verify Fellow(s)
  • View your fellows logs
  • Review and Confirm Completed Exit Surveys
  • Apply for Change in Fellowship Director
  • Apply for an Increase in Positions
  • Edit Program Contact Information
  • Edit Faculty Roster
  • Start or Continue your Triennial / Quadrennial Review
  • Change your password