
The AUPO FCC is committed to the establishment and maintenance of quality standards for subspecialty fellowship training in ophthalmology.  Fellowship programs in Uveitis provide advanced training in the diagnosis and management of infectious and non-infectious uveitis as well as other ocular inflammatory diseases.  The American Uveitis Society (AUS) supports and endorses the fellowship training compliance program of the AUPO. Representatives from the AUS executive and education committees established the initial guidelines for the uveitis fellowship programs. These requirements serve as the basis upon which the AUPO FCC evaluates our fellowship programs for compliance.  Ultimately, it is the intention of the compliance process to assure that fellows complete their fellowship program with competent training in preparation for providing safe and excellent care for our patients with uveitis and other ocular inflammatory diseases.

Compliance with the AUPO FCC is a voluntary process with the goal to set a uniform educational standard, and protect the trainees, institutions and public. Fellowship programs in uveitis that wish to apply for AUPO FCC compliance can access the application on the AUPO website (provides link to the application).  Fellows graduating from AUPO FCC compliant uveitis programs are required to complete an exit survey about their fellowship experience and each compliant fellowship undergoes a comprehensive review every 3 years by the AUPO FCC Review Committee to ensure that the program continues to be in compliance with the requirements for the uveitis subspecialty.

Applications for AUPO FCC compliant Uveitis Fellowships are available through the SF Match Fellowship Centralized Application Services.

Additional Information

Application Information

Application Question List

New Uveitis program applications will be open from September 15

Triennial Review Sample Questions

Exit Survey Sample Questions

Fellow Exit Survey Question List

Fellow Login (Requires the user account information emailed to you) 

Fellow Surgical Volume Report