Deadlines for Compliant Programs

Important Deadlines for Compliant Programs

Annual Compliance Fee

Invoices are sent to FCC Compliant Programs

Graduating Fellow Exit Surveys Due

Exit Surveys are due. Fellowship Directors will recieve an email notification when complete. Fellowship Directors should review and confirm as Exit Surveys are completed.

Annual Compliance Fee Due

Invoice are due from all FCC Compliant Programs. Note: programs can be removed from compliance if payment is not made.

New Fellows Begin

Programs are strongly encouraged to start July 7 to allow fellows to complete their residency, ending June 30. 

Program Reviews are due

Biennial / Triennial / Quadrennial Reviews are due.

Fellow Verification

Verification of new Fellows start in September. 


Nov/Dec Certificates and Letters for Compliant Programs

Certificates and letters issued for continued compliance for programs that successfully completed their program review.